
Sunday, October 5, 2014

Paint Party Friday... or should I say Sunday? ... so very late this week ....

Sunday Already?
Days are speeding by at lightening speed these days. My brain just can't keep up with it all. I finished the art on Friday and then totally forgot to post it here. I guess when I posted it on Facebook my brain figured I was done .
Friday was a "Taking Care of Me Day"  
Once again I have had a totally crazy stressful week and I needed a day to relax and just be me. It included a 4 hour nap and lots of Art and a very long and much enjoyed spa type bath. ♥
Monday we had a small stove fire in the kitchen... no serious damage....other than the lose of a good pan and a cheap plastic handled strainer. But said strainer is what caused all of the problems. It melted because it was too close to the burner and then caught fire... sending out this horrible black smoke that got onto everything in the kitchen and most of the living room. I cleaned up rather easily... which is unlike smoke damage in general... but it meant actually vacuuming and washing almost everything in both rooms. Not something I like doing to beginning with... but also very difficult with my back injury. :( So what would normally take me a day took me all week . I did threaten to leave the smoke on the ceiling until after Halloween :) 

But it would have probably permanently stained the ceiling so I cleaned it up first :( 
Strainer has been replaced with an all metal one :) The pan hasn't been replaced yet but will be soon as it's a size I use a lot. 
So now for the art.
She is a mixed media done on watercolor paper...

Another little Inspirational Card 

Today's Random Thought
Paint Party Friday


  1. It looks terrible Carol and so much work to clean up........yuck.
    Love your beautiful artwork. Happy PPF, Annette x

  2. Oh -- lot's to do .... amazing artwork!
    Happy new crafty artsy week!

  3. Clean up sounds like lots of work.. hope you are feeling okay! She has such a pretty face, she looks as though she is curious about something. Love the doodle!

  4. Oh wow that was scary... doesn't your insurance cover cleaning up after that fire...pretty sure it does!! You could get it repainted too...

    Beautiful how those labels turned out! The birds and the girl are truly fabulous!! Well done!! Glad you're okay!

    Hugs Giggles

  5. Oh, my goodness--what beautiful artwork. We are just having the repairs from a chimney fire done. Hopefully all will be replaced and repaired before winter really sets in. It was 85 here in the Pacific Northwest today. Unheard of! Your insurance should help out if need be. Our insurance is doing so.
