
Friday, April 24, 2015

Paint Party Friday

It's FRIDAY again and time to once again thank Eva and Kristin for keeping things alive and going strong here :) 
It's been a strange week here. The weather took a nose drive and brought out the jackets and sweatshirts again. We even had a light frost one night. Which meant I was running around looking for every sheet, blanket and tablecloth I could find to cover plants with. Everything survived so all is well. ♥
I managed to get a bit more done on the April WIP 
It's almost done now.. just a bit more fine tuning here and there. 
I also did a fun little shelf sitter wood block...
... I can't decide if it's done or not... but I like it. 
I also started on another note card. This one will have a lot of texture to it and can be framed if desired. It's a 5x7 inch card. 
We spent a lot of time with our contractor this week finalizing the plans for our bathroom remodel . I can't wait for it to be finished and they haven't even started yet. But it will be awesome. 
I'm spending more on lighting and faucets than I ever thought I would. But this will be a once in a life time dream room :) 
Not a lot of work in the garden this week. With the colder weather and all the other stuff I had going on it just didn't happen.
Things are still growing in the cooler weather. 
 The Iris and the Allium are budding out and soon will be in bloom and they are stunning when they do ♥♥♥♥
 I did find several Poppy's coming up that were self seeded from last years blooms. 

Some were in ok spots and others had to be moved... and have shown no signs of transplant stress at all ♥ I think the cooler weather helped with that. 
These are Hungarian Blue Breadseed poppies. Which are actually lavender when in bloom . 
Today's Random Thoughts...
Honoring Earth Day

... and just a random thought from me...
...and the ANIMALS

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Paint Party Friday

It's Friday already ?! 
The days are really flying by again. 
It's crazy busy in the garden and in the house this month. 
The sun has really warmed up here finally and everything is growing at a break neck speed. The daffy's are pretty much all gone but the wild flowers in the woods are popping up everywhere. 

The Lilacs are blooming and the yard smells  so good. 
I've added several layers to the WIP canvas... 
... it still has lots of work to be done yet. 
The card I started reworking is done though. 
Here it is again the way I finished it in 2012.
I laid a piece of deli paper over it and sketched out what I thought I would do with it.... then started covering the original face with gesso...

Then I got so involved in the painting process that I forgot to take progress photos. Her she is now. 
Last week a couple of people said they missed the green eyes on the face I reworked. After thinking about it  a bit I decided to put them back so here she is now. I like her better with green eyes too. 

So that's the art for this week. Thanks for stopping by :) 
Today's Random Thought...
So don't forget to check out the other great art at 
Paint Party Friday...
just click on the button on my sidebar. 

Friday, April 10, 2015

Paint Party Friday

Hello Friday Friends!!! 
After days of rains and storms the sun is shining :) It's cooler but that's ok...still warm enough to play outside. 
 The Peach colored Daffodils are blooming...
...when I bought these bulbs they were advertised as PINK.... yeah right. They were a paler peach the first year but never PINK. They are pretty though so I've forgiven them♥
 The whites and the "Ruffles" are blooming now too.. 
 I love the all whites of this type ♥
This fall I will be looking for more of the miniatures and  what ever other types I can find that I don't have already . Also more yellows for the front bed. 
Here's where the WIP canvas looks like it might be going this week...
.... Haven't decided for sure yet. 
The card that I started redoing last week... 

... went this direction....

I'm calling her done again :) 
I really like where she went and it shows how my face painting skills have improved over the past 3 years :) 
So now I'm going to try and do something with this one this coming week...
I like having these small projects that keep me doing art....but don't cut into my gardening time at all :) 
Today's Random Thoughts 

Don't forget to click on the button on my sidebar to check out more amazing art

Friday, April 3, 2015

Paint Party Friday and Art Journal Journey

Hello Friday Friends!!!
It's been a high activity week here and now it's going to be a pay for it weekend :) 
But I don't mind because I accomplished what planned for the week and a few (feels like all) sore muscle is worth the price. (well maybe ) 
First the art.... 
I have a new WIP canvas going. 
 It started with a bunch of paper towels I brought home from work. back when I worked in the paint dept. We would wipe our fingers off after dabbing the colors on the paint cans when customers order paint. 
I tore them up and glued them down on a 
11" X 14" canvas.  
Then I added some random color.... and then some texture...
.... waiting to see where she goes from here :) 
I also worked in an art journal this week too. 
Favorite poems and quotes is the theme this month at Art Journal Journey. I used to write poems when I was younger and had more functioning brain cells. I decided to see if I used some of those old cells I might be able to write again at least once in a while. 
So here is my  April Rains poem and journal page....
.... not the greatest poem ever written but not bad for jump starting long dead brain cells. 
I found an old card I had done back in 2012 that I hated at the time but didn't throw it out for some strange reason... some point in time I had doodled on the background to try and save didn't work . So now I'm going to try and repaint the face and see what happens...

...those green eyes just don't want to go away so it will be interesting to see what happens as I add more layers of paint. The card just may end up weighing to much to every mail :) 
The reason for all of the sore muscle was the pounding in of 6 fence post for the veggie garden and the spreading of black mulch for the front flower beds... pictures of those fence post but I think they are the responsible devils for the muscle pains :) 
Random Thoughts for Today...
