It's FRIDAY again and time to once again thank Eva and Kristin for keeping things alive and going strong here :)
It's been a strange week here. The weather took a nose drive and brought out the jackets and sweatshirts again. We even had a light frost one night. Which meant I was running around looking for every sheet, blanket and tablecloth I could find to cover plants with. Everything survived so all is well. ♥
I managed to get a bit more done on the April WIP
It's almost done now.. just a bit more fine tuning here and there.
I also did a fun little shelf sitter wood block...
... I can't decide if it's done or not... but I like it.
I also started on another note card. This one will have a lot of texture to it and can be framed if desired. It's a 5x7 inch card.
We spent a lot of time with our contractor this week finalizing the plans for our bathroom remodel . I can't wait for it to be finished and they haven't even started yet. But it will be awesome.
I'm spending more on lighting and faucets than I ever thought I would. But this will be a once in a life time dream room :)
Not a lot of work in the garden this week. With the colder weather and all the other stuff I had going on it just didn't happen.
Things are still growing in the cooler weather.
The Iris and the Allium are budding out and soon will be in bloom and they are stunning when they do ♥♥♥♥
I did find several Poppy's coming up that were self seeded from last years blooms.
Some were in ok spots and others had to be moved... and have shown no signs of transplant stress at all ♥ I think the cooler weather helped with that.
These are Hungarian Blue Breadseed poppies. Which are actually lavender when in bloom .
Today's Random Thoughts...
Honoring Earth Day
... and just a random thought from me...
...and the ANIMALS