
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Art Everyday Month --- Day 5

Decided to whip put another eye drawing for todays entry. It's a 5"X 7" card on Bristol Vellum with Prisma colored pencil and ink. 
I used to draw these crazy eyes all the time and it's been fun doing them again and I always like having cards around for any occasion that pops up . 
Now I have to force myself to pay some much needed attention this this grossly neglected house. It moans at me when I walk in the door....."clean me! clean me!"  When will they build self cleaning houses?
Linking to:


  1. love the eye,, let me know when they invent the self cleaning houses cause i want one,, badly!

  2. Great eye, don't listen to the house! Valerie

  3. Art comes before work in the house. Keep on making eyes and the house can look after itself.

  4. don't you get great strong colour using prismas... love them xx

  5. When I was young I drew eyes everywhere! I had forgotten about that. Such fun - you are doing it. I had a look at all your blogs ... something very deep going on here, I can feel it. Soul work. Take care. Thanks for dropping into my blog. :o) Donna
