
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

29 Faces

Days 13 - 15 
Playing catch up here :0) hate it that my job gets in the way of my art :0( 
Really meant to post this last night but Hubs stayed on the computer too long and I ran out of  umph :0) 

More pages in my journal done with watercolor background and Prisma colored pencils . 
Looking at it today I just may go back and add some doodles to the background. 
Linking to...

Don't know how these got all out of order again.....I fixed them 3 times already so I give up ....
I couldn't resist... I doodled the backgrounds...


  1. Cute little heart faces you have. I and know how you feel about work getting in the way or creating art :o) But believe me I need the money to pay for the supplies.

  2. These are fun-love the doodled background!!

  3. I LOVE your happy heart faces and could totally see some doodling action in the background!
